
Criteria Six: Conceptualise, plan and implement an appropriate learning programme

Key Indicators:

- Articulate clearly the aims of their teaching, give sound professional reasons for adopting these aims, and implement them in their practice.
- Through their planning and teaching, demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of relevant content, disciplines and curriculum documents

Questions I have asked myself:

- What are the aims of my unit/programme?
- How do my aims link to learning outcomes and the NZ Curriculum?
- What resources can I use? • What teaching strategies can I use?
- Do I need to check/update my knowledge of content?
- Can I make real world connections to my unit of work?
- Who can best advise me on content knowledge and planning?
- How can I ensure that I meet the wide range of learning needs in my class? (How do my students' best learn?)
- What do my students already know?
- How do I access and use appropriate data to ensure my programmes are effective?
- What do I take into account when planning programmes of work for groups and individuals?

Strategies that have helped me:

- Classroom observations focussing on implementing a new unit.
- Classroom visits to observe other teachers' use of resources and strategies; including other schools if possible.
- Involvement in professional development - individual, staff.
- Actively seeking feedback on planning and implementing lessons.
- Use of performance data to develop new learning programme(s).
- Discussions with Mentor Teacher. • Linking to curriculum documents.
- Establish an outcome for every lesson and share this with the students.


- How have my students responded to this learning programme?
- What might I do to improve my teaching?
- How will I know when/if my planning and delivery of lessons is improving?

Evidence that might support this:

- Professional development undertaken.
- Notes and reflections made by classroom observers.
- Notes made during discussions with colleagues and during visits.
- Unit plans and examples of changes made to planning based on classroom observations and visits and discussions with Mentor Teacher, student work, student feedback.

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