Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Collaborative Planning (PYP Online) - Module 1

Module 1 - What is collaboration?

Activity 1: Self Inventory Team Roles

Belbin Team Roles

Understanding how people and teams operate helps us become more effective team members. In this activity I am asked to reflect on my own role in the teams I am part of.

"When we explore ourselves from a personal and professional perspective, we are more likely to see what different strengths we all bring to the group"

Key Questions:

- How am I contributing to the team?

- Which role am I playing?

- Am I assuming the same role in every team I am part of?

- How does my role impact the team?

Task - Share my observations with the group in the module forum.

Use standard C1 of the IB programme standards and practices to reflect on my school’s needs in regards to these practices.

Activity 2: IB standards and practices

- Read Standard C1 and its related practices.

It is important for us to know what PYP states in relation to planning and reflect on how it fits with our own views.

2. Review standard C1 in Programme standards and practices.

- Reflect on current practices in my school - what works already really well?

- Which areas are in need of attention?
- Are there any surprising practices you have not considered before?

3. Post my comment in the module forum assignments thread.

Comment on at least one other posting.

Activity 3: Definition of collaboration

1. Read the following:

The New Why Teams Don’t Work: What Goes Wrong and How to Make it Right, Chapter 10 “The People Problem” (60 Kb), and Chapter 15 “Competitive Hazards” (30 Kb) by Harvey Robins and Michael Finley


What Is A “Professional Learning Community”? by Richard DuFour

So They Can Fly … Building a Community of Inquirers by Linda Gibson-Langford and Di Laycock

Improving Relationships Within the Schoolhouse by Roland S. Barth

2. Reflect on the articles I have read.

- How are characteristics of effective teams described?

- What are challenges when collaborating with others?

3. While referring to the wiki directions that I read in the orientation for this workshop, contribute the following ideas to our collaborative design of these wiki pages:

- Definition of effective collaboration

- Characteristics of effective teams

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