Wednesday, 6 April 2016

Tutor Teacher Programme (Workshop 1)

Tutor Teacher Programme (Workshop 1)

Venue: Conference Room ULS, 144 Knighton Road, University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand

Facilitator: Sharon Ross

Provider: Institute of Professional Learning - The University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand

Key Areas Covered:

- What are the roles and requirements or both the Tutor Teacher and PRT?

- Exploring the handbook: Guidelines for Induction & Mentoring and Mentor Teachers from NZ Teachers Council

- How to develop and maintain an effective induction programme in your setting - including carrying out observations, providing effective feedback and having learning conversations

- What evidence to collect and how

- Establishing networks to support me in my role as Tutor Teacher


Activity 1 - Table Talk - Successes, concerns & questions

Activity 2 - Practising Teacher Criteria 2015 (use to be the Registered Teacher Criteria)

- Introduction (Except for the name... they are the same)

Possible sources of evidence include:

Observation: Formal observations of teaching or aspects of teaching with structured feedback and next steps are discussed with the teacher and are documented.

Discussion: Includes follow up to observations; appraisal meetings; structured mentoring conversations and critical self-reflection.

Documentation: Collections of evidence could include reflective journals of teaching practice; records of planning for teaching and learning; assessment records including reflective analysis of learners' assessment information; appraisal records; records of professional development; teacher's inquiry; teachers' self-review.

Be in charge of your own evidence!
FAQ - Induction of Provisionally Certified Teacher's (PCT's)

Note: Use 'release' time to reflect on your practice - Make an appointment with yourself!

High Quality Induction = Comprehensive, educative, evaluative

High Quality Mentoring = Relationship-based, educative mentoring, resources, recognised!

Activity 3 - Roles & Requirements of Mentor Teachers

"Because teaching is a new experience every time you walk into a classroom, good teachers build a repertoire of strategies and tools that they can use when they need them. Good mentors share their tools with their proteges and help them build their own repertoire"

Activity 4 - Developing & maintaining an effective induction programme in your setting

Support & Guidance
- Suited to my PCT's needs
- Changes as their needs change
- Guidelines p. 24-27

A mentor teacher guide p. 10 & 11 (Top Tips for working with mentored teachers)

Supporting, guiding and mentoring a provisionally certified teacher (Sharon Ross)

- Focus of observation - what? why/ how? when? who? where?
- Observation templates - A mentor teacher guide p. 20-22

- "Observe the path of teaching" - A mentor teacher guide p. 15
- Meeting to share & discuss information collected, co-construct next step actions (part of the inquiry process)
- Reflective questions - Handout & A mentor teacher guide p.16

- Observe other teachers

Effective Feedback
- "affirms, informs, and guides future learning" (Effective Literacy Practice, MOE 2003 p84, MOE 2006 p. 86)
- Constructive
- Based on evidence - data, planning...
- "Causes thinking to occur"
- Keep as evidence
- "Feedback is the beginning of a conversation rather than the end"

Activity 5 - Learning Conversations

Developing trust
Being present
Listening actively
Being succinct
Suspending judgement

Activity 6 - Listening Activity

Activity 6 - Keeping Records

Guidelines for inductions and mentoring p. 9
- activities that occur as part of the induction programme, the feedback and support that has been provided to the PCT, and the PCT's own reflection and learning

- evidence of the PCT's progress towards meeting the Practicing Teacher Criteria

Practising Teacher Criteria p. 6

A mentor teacher guide p.14

Examples of blogs

Activity 7 - Induction & mentoring in my setting (An analysis of needs)

Tutor Teacher Reflection / Self-Assessment

Where to from here?
- Set up a time for Sarah & Hayley to meet regularly

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