Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Collaborative Planning In The PYP (Module 4) - Putting it all together

Activity 1 - Reflection on inquiry (Part 2)

Peer assess each others’ planners in regards to the reflection stages, using these guiding questions:

- How can this reflection lead to strengthening student inquiry?

- How can this reflection lead to strengthening of the essential elements?

Activity 2: The role of the single-subject areas

Collaborative activity - Review the annex of Making the PYP happen - Also refer to the subject-specific scope and sequence documents on the OCC - Share how this integration is/could be documented in your planner. 

1. Review the annex of Making the PYP happen - The role of the subject areas is explored in depth. 

Look at the PSPE or PYP Arts scope and sequence.

- How is the content of this scope and sequence document integrated into your Programme of Inquiry (POI) units - and where could it be integrated?

How is it integrated?

 - Seen in the development of the 5 Essential Elements through the UOI's
- Learning experiences (planning, teaching & assessment) @ BNMS support students personal & social development - students are able to make connections, apply learning, and transfer conceptual understanding to new situations
- Single-subject specialists teach physical education - more than just sports and games - students generate understandings that contribute to their well-being and their success as lifelong learners.
- Single-subject PE specialists (PE Peer Learning Community) from each team collaborate and feedback to classroom teachers

Identity (PSPE Strand) - Not specifically identified in the POI but evident in learning experiences planned within each TD theme:
Who We Are = Sexuality Road = Exploring our beliefs, values, attitudes, experiences and feelings and how they shape us - sense of self and feelings of self-worth
Sharing The Planet = Conflict and it's management = The ability to successfully cope with situations of change and adversity, strengths, limitations and challenges
Where We Are In Place & Time = Treaty of Waitangi (New Zealand's founding document) - The impact of cultural influences.

Active living (PSPE Strand) - Not specifically identified in the POI but evident in learning experiences planned within each TD theme:
- How The World Works = Food energy = maintaining a balanced and healthy lifestyle, the importance of regular physical activity, the body's response to exercise, the importance of nutrition,
- How We Organise Ourselves = Rights and responsibilities we have to ourselves and others
- Sharing The Planet = making informed choices and evaluating consequences

Interactions (PSPE Strand) - Not specifically identified in the POI but evident in learning experiences planned within each TD theme:
- Sharing The Planet / Who We Are = How an individual interacts with other people, other living things and the wider world.
- Who We Are = Sexuality Road = rights and responsibilities of individuals in their relationships with others, communities, society and the world around them
- Sharing The Planet = The understanding of similarities and differences

Where could it be integrated?
- PSPE links / Supplementary Planner could be listed within a bubble planner (Teacher Notes)
- Single subject teachers could further develop or support a unit within the POI
- Independent inquiry

2. Then refer to subject-specific scope and sequence documents on the OCC. Choose one subject area that is not normally taught by classroom teachers (such as art, music or PE - but not PSPE, since that is the domain of all teachers).

Describe how this subject area (Science) is integrated into your POI (2015) units - and where it could be integrated. Also share how this integration is/could be documented in your planner.

How is it integrated?
- Single-subject science specialist is responsible for the science programme - classroom teachers accompany their children to these lessons.
- Breadth and balance of science content is covered through the UOI's - CI's, LOI's are tailored with a science focus i.e.

UOI 2 = How The World Works
CI - Understanding the effects of energy can inform our choices
LOI's = The different forms of energy and transformation; How people harness and use energy; Our personal responsibility when making energy choices

UOI 6 = Who We Are
CI - All living things change and adapt to meet their needs.
LOI's = The characteristics that humans share with other living organisms; How and why people change; What makes me who I am

Where could it be integrated?

Mathematics (Statistics & Probability) - Increased emphasis on utilising the skills of science in order to: gather data; use a variety of instruments and tools to measure data accurately; use scientific vocabulary to explain observations and experiences.

How could this integration be documented in the planner?
- Science links / Supplementary Planner could be listed / hyperlinked within a bubble planner (Teacher Notes)

4. As a group write a job description for a single-subject PYP teacher in a PYP school. Describe the role of that teacher in your school and the qualities you would look for.

A single-subject teacher would:

-Be responsible for creating a classroom environment that develops in each student an awareness of the role of their subject within the Primary Years Program.

- Work to enrich and support teaching and learning while strengthening the skills of students within and through their subject.

- Be responsible for planning and teaching lessons collaboratively with classroom teachers

- Be responsible for developing the curriculum and adapting the curriculum to the needs of each student

- Be responsible for creating a classroom environment that is conducive to student learning and fosters individual choice, creativity and innovation.

- Be responsible for evaluating each student’s growth in knowledge and skills in the course being taught and prepare report cards

- Be responsible for communicating with parents on student progress.

- Be responsible for recommending new resources suitable for the school

Activity 3: Action plan 

1. Post the draft of my action plan in the specific forum and give constructive feedback to at least two other participants.

How is this a reflection of my learning thus far? 

2. Create a post that is:

A star - something positive that I will take away from this training.
= The affirmation that good things are already underway whilst acknowledging that with this start we can also work together to plan more effectively. 

A window - something that shows insights gained or further questions that have arisen
= We each play a role in a team - knowing how each of these interact will help us to become more effective

A wish - something that I would have liked to pursue further
= How can we use technology to encourage collaboration?

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